Cancellation and Arrivals Policy
This cancellation and arrivals policy saves wasted time for both the client and me. It ensures quality of service from me and quality of effort from the client.
In the event of cancellation of a personal training session, a minimum of 12h notice is required. If the client fails to give notice, one personal training session will be forfeited from the block booking.
In the event of cancellation of a place in a group fitness class, a minimum of 2h notice is required. There is no forfeit for this but I ask for common courtesy as it helps me to plan the class and bring the correct amount of equipment.
Personal training clients are requested to arrive at the training location 5min early. If the client arrives between 5-20min late, the training session will go ahead but no time will be added onto the scheduled finish time. If the client arrives 20+min late, the session will be forfeited from the block booking.
Group fitness participants are requested to arrive at the class location 5min early. If the participant arrives after the warm up part of the class has been taught, they will either be expected to complete a full warm up alone if I know that they are capable of doing so, or will not be allowed to participate in the class. This is at my discretion and is for participants' safety.